понедельник, 18 января 2010 г.

Allergy for animals

Animals are living creatures of this world. And they may be wild and they may be domesticated and they may also be our favorite pets we can’t imagine this life without. Though, we sometimes are deprived of the opportunity to have those at home. And we are deprived of this opportunity in case we are people that suffer from allergy for animals. See, the allergy for animals is an abnormal and pathological reaction for metabolism’s stuff of animals. Or people also may have an allergy fro fur of animas. In most cases they are cats and dogs that provoke such reaction in people. see, those are cats and dogs because those are the most common pets for people and people associate with them too much and so they get too much of the stuff that may provoke an allergy. There is no treatment for these people and so there is the only way out for them and this way out means no pets at home. It is not a problem in case you are a grown up person, though it may turn into problem in case you have kids and those want a dog at home.