Dust is creepy to deal with – even if you are not allergic to it. If you are a person with an average income and can’t afford another person to bite… ahem to wipe and shoot and strangle the dust in your house or apartment, then you are supposed to have a long-term and complicated relation with this regenerating parasite. You wipe it wipe it wipe it till you suddenly start sneezing once or twice at first, then you sneeze harder and juicier and then you notice the symptoms of dust allergy…
So are their main manifestations? Typically dust allergy acquires the form of asthma – one of the most well-known allergic reactions. To be more precise, it usually accompanies asthma. Symptoms of dust allergy are easy to notice. You find it really hard to breathe when ‘interacting’ with the dust, sometimes it causes skin itchiness and unusually excessive sneezing.
Often people think that dust allergy is something trivial and very insignificant – most probably due to the fact that it’s not considered a disease, just a reaction of human body to these featherlike snowflakes of dry dirt… However, everyone must realize that neglecting the issue can lead to very harmful consequences, especially if dust allergy is accompanied by such unusual symptom as fever. The latter case must be immediately discussed with your doctor who will take necessary measures to save you from dust-attack.
As for preventive measures of dust allergy, certainly, it implies avoidance – just as it happens with any kind of allergy. Say no to exposure to dust and make sure your house is clean and your personal hygiene is sophisticated enough for dust to bite the dust disarmed by the power of your inside-out cleanness.